Биография | Biography

Executive Director of the International Association Against Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse and Permanent Representative to the UN. - www.iadtda.org
Founder of the International Center for Assistance and author of the program for sustainable business development in crisis in friendly communities. - www.intenationalac.org
Chief Executive of Brand Luxury Challenge. - www.brandlc.eu

Organizer of:

The International Movement «Music Against Drugs».
The 11th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Bangkok.
The Round-Table «Cinema & TV to Protect Children from Drugs».
The World Marathon Moscow-Johannesburg under the aegis of the World Summit on Sustainable Development in South Africa.
The World Congress of Anti-Drug Forces in Moscow.

Participant in the global conference on re-signing the Charter of Human Rights, under the auspices of the UN in UNESCO, Paris.
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