Об Академии

  НОУ ВПО ?Международная академия образовании (институт)? учреждено 27 декабря 2004 г. Штаб-квартира Академии - г.Тверь (Тверская область, Россия).
  Город Тверь - один из древнейших русских городов. В 1247 году Тверь стала столицей Тверского княжества, которое долгое время было сильнейшим княжеством Древней Руси.
  Современный город занимает территорию более 147 кв.км. Он расположен в 167 километрах от Москвы и в 485 километрах от Санкт-Петербурга. С Москвой Тверь связана тремя транспортными магистралями: железнодорожной, автомобильной и водной. Вскоре планируется начать строительство двух новых скоростных дорог ? автомобильной и железнодорожной ? между Москвой и Петербургом. Эти дороги еще больше приблизят Тверь к столицам.
  Тверь стоит у слияния рек Волги, Тверцы и Тьмаки.
  В составе Твери ? четыре большие административные единицы, городские районы Центральный, Заволжский, Пролетарский, Московский. В городскую черту также входит поселок Сахарово. Центральный район ? историческая часть города. Здесь сосредоточены все органы управления Тверью и Тверской областью. В Центральном районе находятся основные памятники архитектуры, все тверские театры, городской сад, подавляющее большинство кафе, клубов, других культурных и развлекательных учреждений. В Заволжском районе расположены несколько крупных промышленных предприятий, в том числе градообразующий Тверской вагоностроительный завод, завод ?Центросвар?, завод ?Стеклопластик?. Пролетарский район славен своими ткацкими фабриками, предприятиями полиграфии. Это старинное рабочее сердце Твери. А современная промышленность сосредоточена в Московском районе.

  Location Academy
  International Academy of Education (Institute) was established on Dec. 27, 2004 The headquarters of the Academy is located in Tver (Russia).
  Tver city one of the oldest Russian cities. In 1247 Tver became the capital of the Tver principality, which had long been the strongest principality of ancient Rus.
  The modern city occupies an area of 147 sq.km. It is situated 167 kilometers from Moscow and 485 kilometers from St. Petersburg. Tver is connected by three highways: rail, road and water With Moscow. Scheduled to begin construction of two new highways - road and rail - between Moscow and St. Petersburg soon. These roads are even closer to the capitals of Tver.
  Tver is at the confluence of the Volga, and Tvertsa Tmaki. The population of the city is now more than 450 thousand people. The leading sectors of urban industry: machine building, which occupies 49% of total production, food - 17%, electricity - 8%, chemical and light industries.
  As part of Tver - four large administrative units, urban areas of Central, Zavolzhskiy, proletarian, Moscow. In the city limits as part of the settlement Sakharov. Central District - the historic part of town. There are two buildings, all controls Tver and Tver region. In the Central region are the main monuments of architecture, all of Tver, theaters, public gardens, the vast majority of cafés, clubs and other cultural and entertainment facilities. In Zavolzhsky area has several large industrial companies, including town-electric locomotives, factory ?Tsentrosvar? plant ?Glass?. But much of the area - a quiet private sector. We are actively see new cottage neighborhoods, live in the area Zavolzhsky become prestigious. Proletarian region famous for its textile mills, printing companies. It's an old working-class heart of Tver. A modern industry is concentrated in the Moscow region, where in recent years started an investment boom.

  Status of the Academy and activities
  The Academy has the status of private educational institutions and the management of educational activities in the field of higher education in the field of: Law, crisis management, commerce, statistics, advertising, state and municipal management, finance and credit, documentary maintenance management.   The question of licensing and other specialties. Educational activities are carried out Academy based on license issued Sept. 18, 2007, Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Series A license number 277908, registration number 9311).
  Special education is conducted in the traditional training system graduates on the basis of secondary (full) general education or basic vocational education (with a training period ? 6 years extramural). Education for directions includes baccalaureate (5 years by correspondence). Those interested can obtain a higher education based on secondary vocational education reduced programs with a training period of 2 years 10 months (extramural studies) ? Baccalaureate.   The Academy has adequate academic and material basis for the preparation of highly qualified specialists. Each student is provided with a complete set of textbooks, has free access to the Internet, electronic library databases. Particular attention is given to the computerization of educational process, which provides training for professionals with skills of professional application of modern technologies.
  The Academy has high scientific and pedagogical potential. Education is mostly doctors and professors, Ph.D., assistant professor. It supports scientific ties not only with universities in Russia, but also the Middle and Far abroad.
  In addition to programs of higher professional education the Academy has programs for Continuing Education:
   -Preparation for entrance into the Academy;
   -Professional managers and experts based basic vocational education programs of the Academy;
   - Retraining of managers and experts based basic vocational education programs of the Academy;
   - Certification of scientific and pedagogic FIR of highly qualified personnel. In particular, at the Academy operate doctoral dissertation councils, which offer opportunities for scientific personnel in different specialties with the issuance of diplomas and Ph.D., certificates and associate professor of international standard.
  The Academy is fully provided with necessary teaching staff, academic literature, equipment and inventory. The scientific potential of Academy is presented by doctors of sciences, professors, candidates of science, senior lecturers. Within the limits of Academy 4 chairs, 6 research centers and 2 scientific laboratories operate. Among the teachers of the Academy is Honored Scientist of Russia, winners of state and public honor, members of the international academic and professional communities.
  At present, the Academy has developed cooperation with foreign universities. This will create conditions for the adaptation of curricula used by the Academy, with curricula and programs that use in their work partners. The main condition of preparation of students ? the highest education to European quality standards.